Ciao! 👋
🔋 Powered by Luca Florio.
🎓 Computer Science PhD.
💻 Half-stack developer.
📚 Curious Learner.
🤓 Opinions are my own.
Finding your mission is the best way to understand where to focus your effort.
Because delivering a “good enough” product is better than not delivering a “perfect” product. 🔥
Few reasons why I think shell scripting is a skill worth to learn and improve. 🤓
Back to the roots, when it all began.
Communicating using a chat service is different compared to being in the same office. Here is what I learned when trying to make my communication with remote teammates more effective! 🚀
Reading and keep up to date is fundamental for a Software Engineer. These are the tricks I’m using to make reading a daily habit!
Your PRs should be crafted in a proper way. This is important for your work, for your reviewers, and also for you. Let’s find out why and how to give some ❤️ to your PR!
Dear Self, these are some tips I wish someone has given me when I started my career. With love, (a more experienced) you.
Using Change Data Capture we can make the changes written to a database available to other systems as they happens. Let’s use Kafka Streams to implement it!
Nowadays there is a lot of source of information. Sometimes a book is the best choice for learning something new. We can keep it on the desk and go through it when needed. If you are wondering “What should I read next?”, in this post you will find some suggestions! 😉